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Choose your pricing plan
- Best Value
Unlimited Class Membership SPECIAL! 3/25
106$Every monthAccess to ALL of our weekly classes. Only 6 of these discounted memberships available! Must be purchased by the end of March or while supplies last.Â- Membership special guaranteed for 1 year
- Month to month billing, can be cancelled by client
- All of the same benefits of the regular priced membership!
- 10% OFF of PhysiYo events/specialty classes for members
- 10% OFF Private Encompass Training
- Prebooking required.
- No activation fee!
6 class package ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL!
66$ÂChoose any 6 classes from our weekly schedule.Valid for 6 weeks- Prebooking required,
- Classes do not need to be booked all at the same time.
- Non-refundable.
4 class package
56$ÂChoose any 4 classes from our weekly schedule.Valid for 45 days- Prebooking required.
- Classes do not need to be booked all at the same time.
- Non-refundable.
8 class package
104$ÂChoose any 8 classes from our weekly schedule.Valid for 65 days- Prebooking required.
- Classes do not need to be booked all at the same time.
- Non-refundable.
12 class package
144$ÂChoose any 12 classes from our weekly schedule.Valid for 95 days- Prebooking required
- Classes do not need to be booked all at the same time.
- Non-refundable.
Unlimited Class Membership
129$Every month+$35 activation feeAccess to ALL of our weekly classes.Â- 10% OFF of events/specialty classes for members
- 10% OFF Private Encompass Training Sessions
- Cancel anytime (with 30 days notice).
- Prebooking required.
- $35 activation fee
80$Â8 weeks of the same class for $80Valid for 8 weeks- No need to book each week.
- Can create as many as you'd like!
- One-time payment up front.
- 8 weeks must be consecutive (unless class is not held).
- No make-ups, substitutions or refunds for missed classes.
1 year Unlimited Class Membership
1,200$ÂPrepay for a full year for HUGE savings!Valid for 12 months- Unlimited regularly scheduled classes for 12 months.
- Paid in full at the start of the membership.
- Expires 12 months after the date of purchase.
- 10% off Specialty Events

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